In the city of Pucallpa, each tourist who visits has a large number of destinations to visit. For this, you must have a place to stay. This city offers all that and more. Pucallpa has a great variety of hotels and lodgings inside. You can book a night in the city and enjoy its activities, as well as, you can embed yourself in the jungle and spend the night there.
● Los Gavilanes Hotel
- Jr. Ipuatia Nª 370, Pucallpa, Perú
- Price: From S/.152.00
- Servicios: It has individual, double, triple, family rooms, and suites. Pool. Gym. Bar. Restaurant. Room service. Wifi. Includes breakfast.
● Casa Andina Select Pucallpa
- Jirón Sucre 198, Callería, Coronel Portillo, Pucallpa, Perú
- Price: From S/.219.00
- Servicios: It has individual, double, triple, family rooms, and suites. Pool. Gym. Bar. Spa. Restaurant. Room service. Pet Friendly. Wifi. Includes breakfast.
● Hotel Boulevard Plaza
- Av. San Martin 340, Pucallpa, Perú
- Price: From S/.120.00
- Servicios: It has individual, double, triple rooms, and suites Wifi. Includes breakfast.