To travel from Lima to Ayacucho you have the option of choosing the terrestrial transportation service in the following companies: Tour Peru Vip, Transportes Molina Peru, Turismo Molina, Internacional Andia, Antezana, Transporte Elegant Bus, Internacional Pardo, Wari Palomino, Oropesa, Megabus, Expreso San Juan de Pasto and Transportes San Luis. The distance from Lima to Ayacucho is 352 mi (566 km) and it takes about 10 hours of trip. The bus tickets costs from s/ 40 to s/ 110, depending on the service type and the season. The buses Lima - Ayacucho can be found in the North, Center and South of Lima, in the schedule from 3:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. The buses will arrive to Ayacucho, to the terminals of the bus station Plaza Wari, located in a central area where you will find all the services to carry on enjoying your trip. The climate in Ayacucho, most of the year, is dry and temperate, with an average temperature of 63 °F (17,5 °C).