● February - Carnival of Cusco: On this date fun and joy prevail because the neighbors play with each other, throwing water and talcum powder, sharing food, and dancing with each other. A very strong tradition of this event is the practice of the yunza, where a tree that has been previously adorned is cut.
● End of May - Feast of the Lord of Qoyllur Rit'i: It is a religious holiday that has been going on for more than 2 centuries. It consists of a perenigration towards the Sanctuary of Sinakara, located at 4600 meters above sea level, where it is danced, sung and fireworks are lit.
● June - Corpus Christi: It is a very old celebration brought by the Spaniards where a procession is made to the saints and virgins of Cusco. The central day is a Thursday, where the 15 images are also taken to tour all of Cusco and bless its inhabitants.
● June 24 - Inti Raymi: Here, the Inti, the sun god, is worshiped. A representation of the Inti Raymi is performed every year in Inca times, an event that attracts thousands of tourists during this date.