Arequipa to Ica Bus


Buy Excluciva bus tickets from Arequipa to Ica

Use the search engine and find your Excluciva bus tickets from Arequipa to Ica in redBus. We recommend you buying Excluciva bus tickets online quickly! It is safer, faster, and you do not need to print your ticket or register at a travel .

Excluciva Bus Boarding Points in Arequipa

There are a number of boarding points in Arequipa where passengers can board their Excluciva bus. Every traveler can choose a boarding point in Arequipa depending on their convenience. The following boarding points of Excluciva in Arequipa are:

  • Terminal Terrestre Arequipa
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Excluciva Bus Dropping Points in Ica

Excluciva buses stop at various dropping points in Ica thereby making it convenient for passengers. The dropping points for Excluciva in Ica are:

  • Terminal Ica
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Excluciva Bus Company

The bus Excluciva is one a unique service in Peru with 180 degrees declinable seats. The bus has more than 20 seats with personnal TV screens in which you will have a wide and actualized choice of films and music. You have Wifi on-board, worm blankets to sleep and air ocnditionning for the summer travels. According to our information, the Excluciva buses are renewed every four years and all of them have a GPS control. The Excluciva buses are covering more than 20 destinations in the North and in the oriental part of Peru. Pilots are very skilled and stop driving every four hours to guarantee a high level of security. 100% of Civa's fleet has a GPS Satellite Monitoring system. Civa works with one of the most important GPS suppliers in the country: SegurSat. Civa buses have their own GPS Central Station working 24 hours a day. Civa controls: the speed of its buses (according to the different areas: urban, highway, rural, etc.), unauthorized stops, panic alerts as well as the driving hours of each pilot. The Central Station is in constant communication with the pilots in order to inform and warn them about any possible events on the road. All our buses drivers have extensive experience on the highways and roads of Peru with an average experience of 10 years.

Information Contact of Excluciva

● AREQUIPA ; Terminal Arequipa ; Terrapuerto de Arequipa counter C-41 y C-42 (Arturo Ibanez S/N) - Arequipa || Working Hours: 06:00 - 22 hrs ; RPC: 958 796 685 / Fijo: 054-422544.

● NAZCA ; Nazca Agency, Ica ; Lima N° 155, Nazca || Horario de Atencion 06:00 a 22:00 hrs. ; RPC: 956-790-571 / 056-524-390.

● ICA ; Ica Agency ; Lambayeque 135 Urb. San Francisco - Ica || Working Hours: 07:00am 23:00pm ; 956-790-570 / 056-224-188.

● MARCONA ; Marcona Agency - Ica ; Comercio s/n - San Juan de Marcona, Nazca || Working Hours: 08:00 - 22:00 hrs. ; RPC: 956-790-572

What to do during the Arequipa to Ica route on Excluciva buses?

Leather seats reclinable up to 160° on the 1st floor, Leather seats reclinable up to 180° on the 2nd floor, Air conditioning, Hostess on board, Food service, Personal LCD screens on the 2nd floor, TV and music, WIFI (according to availability), Toilets y GPS.

Tourist attractions of Ica

Laguna Huacachina. Also called "the oasis of Ica", it is a lagoon surrounded by a desert. It has a great climate throughout the year.

Cachiche Town. Cachiche is a district located at 4 km from the capital. It is known for it's sorcerers who predict the future and heal from evils and sickness.

Marqués de Torre Hermosa's House. It is a rococo architecture that was worked in stone.

Pisco Route. It is made up of wineries and vineyards that make the pisco production process known.