Why book a Ica to Desaguadero bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Ica to Desaguadero. Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Ica
In the Ica territory flowered 2 of the most important cultures that lived in this part of the continent. The Paracas culture (600 B. C. - 100 A.D.) and the Naza culture (100 A.D. - 800 A.D.) were the first civilizations of Ica, followed by the Chincha culture (800 A.D. - 1476 A.D.), but there are not many registers of the last one. With the expansion of the Incan Empire, the end of the Chincha culture would arrive, consolidating as new power of the territory of Ica until the arrival of the Spanish and the subsequent conquest. After the foundation by the Spanish, Ica would become a commercial region, characterized by its textile and winemaking industries, which saw its origin in 1540, when Nicolás de Ribera el Viejo produced the first eau-de-vie with the Ica raisins.
About Desaguadero
The territory of Desaguadero was inhabited from the pre-Incan period by several indigenous communities and little tribes which were the origin of the Lupaca kingdom. This kingdom consisted of inhabitants of the aymara ethnic group, who for a long time controlled the high Andean plateau lands until being conquered by the powerful Incan culture, at this time under the leadership of the inca Mayta Cápac. During his control, the inca ordered to build a bridge made of “totora” (large reed). This bridge was known as Chacamarka. “Chaca” means “place where the river crosses” and “marka” means “town”. The complete interpretation is “place where you cross the river to get to the town”. With the Spanish arrival the few things that remained of the Lupaca kingdom’s splendour disappeared due to the constant sacking and destruction. Nevertheless, the aymara were for a while under a special consideration, owing to their indomitable and rebel character. The residents of the city gave up the name of Chacamarka to accept the name of Desaguadero, since it’s the place where the Titicaca waters flow (“desaguar” means drain). The district was created during the Independence period, but it was in 1954 that it was established legally. The waters of the river separate the Peruvian side from the Bolivian side. The Peruvian side is located inside the Chucuito province and the bolivian side at the province of Ingavi.