Why book a Chincha to Cañete bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Chincha to Cañete. Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Chincha
The word Chincha comes from the word “chinchay”, which means “jaguar”, the main deity of the Chincha culture. The chincha are considered the most renowned merchants of the pre-Hispanic period, skillful to transport goods through the maritime and terrestrial routes. This culture resisted to the inca domination, but was defeated in the 15th century, and was assimilated to the empire; with the passing of time the chinchas under the inca domination contributed to expand the empire.In 1537 with the Spanish arrival the city was founded under the name of “Villa Santiago de Almagro”. It was in the colonial period that took place the miscegenation between indigenous, Spanish and black people, what supposed a cultural change that would establish the basis of the future culture of the modern Chincha. In October the 13th 1900 a law divided the province of Chincha, and so the capital moved to Chincha Alta.*A curious detail is that Chincha could have been the peruvian capital, but the murder of Diego de Almagro changed completely the plans of the colonial organization.
About the route to Cañete
redBus offers the most convenient way to travel by road to Cañete. Cañete is a favorite destination spot for travelers and people who want to spend a little vacation time and enjoy special moments and experiences. Travel time usually varies depending on the amount of traffic, weather conditions and road conditions.