About Cachachi
Cachachi is a beautiful district located in Cajabamba and is part of the department of Cajamarca. Due to its location, it belongs to the Peruvian Sierra and has an altitude of 3237 m.a.s.l. It is divided into 6 populated centers, which are Cholocal, Chuquibamba, Algamarca, Calluan, Tabacal and Araqueda. Among its festivities is the Cachachi Carnival, which is celebrated in February as dictated by the Peruvian tradition.
Time of travel from Terminal Terrestre Cajamarca to Cachachi
If you decide to travel by bus from the city of Cajamarca to Cachachi, an excellent option is to take the 3N Highway, which is one of the safest roads. The journey takes about 8 hours and you should take care of yourself because for the altitude is likely to suffer from soroche.
Climate of Cachachi
Cachachi has a cool climate that during the winter months can reach cold temperatures. It is usual that it drops to 0°C during June and July and the rainy season is between October to April. Keep in mind that, if you visit between June and September, Cachachi has strong winds, so you must go well prepared.
Hotels in Cachachi
We currently do not have this information.
Restaurants & Bars in Cachachi
● Restaurant "Doña Justa"
- Address: Carretera Malcas - Cajabamba.
- Services: Characteristic for its pink color, here you can eat excellent typical dishes of the region. We recommend the fried guinea pig.
● El Peda, Bar & Liquor Store.
- Address: Cajabamba.
- Services: It's a good place to hang out with your friends while drinking a beer.
The most tourist places in Cachachi
We currently do not have this information.
Important city dates of Cachachi
● Carnivals - February: Carnivals are parties that are celebrated in different parts of Peru and that begin with the entry of a character called "Ño Carnavalón". In Cachachi, the populated centers perform colorful Corsican and parades to celebrate.
● Feast of the Immaculate Conception - December 8: It is a holiday that is held to pay tribute to the Virgin Mary, since it is free from original sin. A central mass is held in the morning, which usually has the archbishop as a guest, and then the citizens celebrate between dancing and food.
How to move around Cachachi?
To move around in Cachachi, the tourist has 2 options: public bus, commonly regulated by the municipality or the authority in charge, or taxi, driven by a citizen who provides the service.
● Public bus: It is the most popular way of transporting within the city, as well as being very economical. The fare, also called a ticket, does not usually go up from S/5 per person. The public bus has different stops where it picks up passengers, so the trip can be a bit slow.
● Taxi: This is the fastest way of transport within the city. It does not have stops, so it goes straight to the desired destination. You can contact it on the avenue or by calling a company or through an application. The rate here is usually higher, usually exceeding S/10.
How to get to Cachachi?
● Cachachi by bus: The best way to get to Cachachi by bus is to go first to the city of Cajamarca. From here, you must take another bus that takes you to the district of Cachachi.
● Cachachi by train: There is currently no train arriving in Cachachi due to the few roads that Peru has.
● Cachachi by plane: Unfortunately there is no direct flight to Cachachi due to the lack of an airport.
Terminals in Terminal Terrestre Cajamarca and Cachachi
Departure Terminal
● Terminal Terrestre Cajamarca
Arrival Terminal
● Terminal Cachachi (Jr. 30 de Mayo S/N - Plaza Armas)
Operators of the route Terminal Terrestre Cajamarca to Cachachi
● Servicios Casar.