Holy Week 2020

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Holy Week History

Holy Week is a celebration that comes from the Christian tradition and many faithful participate around the world. During these days episodes of the life of Jesus are remembered: his entrance to Jerusalem, his condemnation and his death, which together are better known as the Passion of Christ.

Usually Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, which consists in the celebration of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and ends with Easter Sunday, also known as Easter, where after 3 days, Jesus revives after being crucified. During Easter Sunday, many family members give Easter eggs to their acquaintances.

Other important days within Holy Week are Holy Thursday and Holy Friday, where the crucifixion of Jesus is remembered. In the latter, many faithful perform fasting and others only eat fish, since the flesh is a symbol of the flesh of Jesus.


In summary, in Easter Week the following chapters of the life of Jesus are remembered for 7 days:

● Palm Sunday: The entrance of Jesus to the city of Jerusalem.

● Holy Monday: Jesus finds vendors in the Temple of Jerusalem and expels them.

● Holy Tuesday: Jesus, reunited with his disciples, warns about Pedros’ 3 denials and the betrayal of Judas Iscariote.

● Holy Wednesday: Judas Iscariote betrays Jesus for 30 coins.

● Holy Thursday: The Last Supper occurs, where the Eucharist is celebrated, and Jesus is arrested.

● Holy Friday: Jesus is scourged and given a crown of thorns, then the Via Crucis and the crucifixion happens.

● Holy Saturday: The crucifixion of Jesus is remembered.

● Resurrection Sunday: After 3 days, Jesus revives.

When it's holy week?

Holy Week is an event of great importance for the Christian religion and is celebrated in much of the world, it takes place at the end of March and/or beginning of April, exactly 40 days after Ash Wednesday. However, the exact date varies each year.

When does Holy Week begin?

Holy Week, as the name implies, lasts a whole week and begins on Palm Sunday. On this day, the episode to remember and commemorate is Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. It's called "Palm Sunday" because people held palm branches while praising him. That is why during the masses the faithful usually pray with this plant in hand.

In Peru, Palm Sunday is celebrated on Sunday, April 2nd, so Holy Week begins on this date. It is a tradition that on this day, the faithful go to the church closest to their home to hear the mass and bring their own palm branch, which will be blessed by the priest during the ceremony. Some churches can make a brief procession, where the faithful raise their palm branch representing the arrival of Jesus. In some cities, carpets of flowers are drawn on the streets near the Church.

Holy Week in Peru

Holy Week is a very important date in the religious calendar and in Peru, where the majority of the people are Catholics, it is a large celebration. That is why during this week, different cities in Peru take days off and are dedicated to holding events on behalf of Jesus to remember his Passion.

This year, Holy Week will be celebrated from Sunday, April 2nd until Saturday, April 8th. A whole week full of events where chapters of the life of Jesus are remembered that ended in his crucifixion, where he sought to redeem mankind from sin.

Peru is one of the best countries to spend Holy Week due to all the representations and processions that take place in different cities. Therefore, if you want to spend a different Holy Week, dare and visit Peru.

Holy Week in Ayacucho

Celebrating Holy Week in Ayacucho is one of the best religious experiences you can find. In fact, it is one of the most popular destinations during these dates due to the beautiful celebrations.

Among its different ceremonies is Friday of Pain, the Friday before Palm Sunday, where all the people gather to accompany the Lord of Agony and the Sorrowful Virgin during their procession. Almost always the starting point is the church of La Magdalena and starts at 7 P.M, but if there is any change the municipality itself communicates it.

During Palm Sunday itself, the city follows the tradition of palms: many people walk the streets with their leaves in hand, waiting for Jesus. In fact, a small procession takes place in the center, with an image of Jesus being transported by a donkey.

The other main day is Holy Thursday. Here the tour to the churches takes place, where citizens go to different churches to listen to a part of their masses. On some occasions, a staging of the Last Supper is performed.

On Saturday of Glory, the churches ring their bells at 9 PM to let the population know that Jesus is already resurrected. The celebration will take place the next day, on Easter Sunday, where people dance and sing in his honor.


Holy Week in Lima

Lima is the capital of Peru and therefore has many activities that take place during Holy Week to publicize the faith of its people. Some documents record that the celebration began in 1544 and was called "Semana Mayor de Lima". Many of the activities during these days were brought here by the Spanish, and over time they have been adapted by the Lima people themselves.

For example, one of the events that attracts many faithful is the representation of the Via Crucis with the popular "Cristo Cholo" (A man who every year fulfills his task of representing Jesus in this activity). It is very popular because, on some occasions, the wrists have been pierced with nails, just as it happened with Jesus.

Another important tradition during Holy Week occurs on Holy Friday with the procession of the Lord of Miracles. First he goes to the Cathedral of Lima, where a three-hour mass is held, and then the image returns to Las Nazarenas.


Holy Week in Huaraz

Holy Week is one of the main Catholic festivities in Peru and Huaraz is no exception. Being the capital of Ancash, it is a city with great religious feeling and different traditions worthy of a great Catholic faith.

In Huaraz, Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday with the procession of the Lord of Palm, where the villagers raise their own palms as they sing this phrase: "Rejoice Jerusalem, there comes the savior, the Just!"

On Holy Thursday, in addition to the traditional mass, the first 12 people are washed with their feet, thus resembling the Last Supper. At night, Quechua songs are performed at an event called Waraki.

After Good Friday, the Plazuela de la Soledad is silent while everyone performs the duel. A manager brings "Judas," a normal-sized doll representing Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus. This doll is burned and then hanged.

Lent and Holy Week

Lent is a time of reflection where the faithful prepare their soul and repent of their sins so that they can live Easter fully and be close to Jesus. This time resembles the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. As many priests say, Lent means change, a change that is made in favor of God.


Lent is realized around 3 purposes: repentance of sins, penance and conversion. That is, people must confess to repair the soul and be better for God.


Lent goes before Holy Week and starts on Wednesday of Ashes. During this day, a special mass is celebrated where the priest performs a cross with ashes on the forehead of all the assistants. The reason for this day is to remind everyone that the material is temporary, because what God will judge is our goodness.


What to do in Holy Week?

Holy Week is the perfect opportunity to take a break from obligations and rest. In Peru there are a lot of activities that can be done during this time, here we leave you a small list so you can take advantage of your days off of Holy Week.


● Tour the seven churches: This is a tradition that takes place in many cities of Peru. Usually it is done on Holy Thursday during the night, it is customary to hear a little bit of the mass of each church that is visited.


● The Bazaar of Judas: It is an activity that takes place in certain cities. People are taken a personal item, which must then be claimed at the bazaar. Here, the manager will ask for something in return.


● Visit the floral carpets: Beautiful floral carpets that show the life of Jesus are made in different cities of Peru.


What do you eat during Holy Week?

Holy Week brings with it certain gastronomic traditions that are important for parishioners as they were made to respect the suffering of Jesus during the Via Crucis and crucifixion.


One of the gastronomic rules during Holy Week, especially on Good Friday, is not to eat meat. During this day, the flesh becomes the living representation of Jesus. Therefore, on Good Friday it is common to eat dishes that contain fish.


During these days, you can also eat the famous Seven Potajes. This dish consists of a combination of rice, cookies, olives, fruits, cheese and, of course, fish. This tradition is stronger in Catacaos.


In the north it is very common to eat Malarrabia, a dish that contains cheese, boiled bananas, stews and rice. Sometimes fish or turkey is added, but not meat.


In Ayacucho, one of the most popular cities among Easter travelers, the Friday Soup is usually prepared. It is very common because it is easy to make and it is delicious. It has potatoes, olluco and vegetables and it is flavored with milk and coriander.

Where to travel during Holy Week?

Holy Week is a time of reflection, tranquility and, for many Peruvians, traveling. Leaving your hometown to explore Holy Week celebrations in other places is one of the most common thoughts among people, especially young people.

What are the most popular destinations during these times? Those cities whose Holy Week celebrations are totally incredible or very new. For example, among the preferred places of Peruvians are Ayacucho, Arequipa, Chiclayo and Cusco.

Ayacucho is, perhaps, the favorite city of Peruvians to spend Holy Week. It is known as "the city of churches" as it has many churches, and that motivates Peruvians even more.

In Arequipa, the special thing about this celebration is that it is always accompanied by exquisite floral gifts and a variety of handmade offerings. Also, during masses, parishioners usually carry a lit candle.

Chiclayo is not far behind. It is very popular due to its representation of Palm Day, where different neighbors meet and practice for this theatrical act.

In Cusco, Holy Week has a strong bond with the Lord of the Tremors. Therefore, they start Holy Week with a small procession of it. At home, families usually have dinner with 12 different dishes.


How to travel during Holy Week?

Traveling on Easter is one of the most fun and popular activities among Peruvians. There are many options, however, the question that always raises is how to travel during these holidays.

There are several transport methods that can help you travel during Holy Week, in redBus we recommend that you live the bus travel experience. Not only is it a Peruvian tradition, but it also gives you the opportunity to marvel at the landscapes of the mountains and the jungle. In addition, its affordable prices are also a great advantage.

If you decide to travel by bus, you will have an unforgettable experience where you will know every corner of the country. Do not forget to buy your bus tickets on redBus just by adding your place of origin, destination and departure date.

How to travel during Holy Week?

Traveling during Holy Week is an easy experience with redBus. All you have to do is purchase your tickets in advance, as during this season there is a high demand and buses fill up fast. By purchasing your tickets quickly, you'll be sure to choose your ideal day and time, select your price, payment method and you're done!

What to do at Easter?

Planning a trip is always a good idea during Easter, as there are several days off to get out of town. You can take advantage of special offers and discounts that are usually offered during this season. Consider looking for destinations that have special celebrations or traditions during this season, as well as religious events, processions and unique festivities. Whether you are looking for a cultural, relaxing or adventurous destination, redBus can help you find the best option to make the most of your Semana Santa.

How to save on Semana Santa?

At Easter, redBus offers a savings code so that users can access a better price and can travel more comfortably and, as always, safely. This code is announced on social networks around this date, so don't forget to follow us!

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What are the best destinations to visit during Holy Week 2024?
Peru has a great religious tradition, that is why different Peruvians and foreigners travel to different cities of Peru to be able to participate in it. The destinations that we recommend if you want to spend a different Holy Week are Lima, Huaraz, Ayacucho, Arequipa and Cusco. We assure you that you will have a great experience in any of these 5 cities.
Do I have to make any payment to participate in Holy Week 2024?
Of course not. All activities carried out during Holy Week are organized by the Archbishopric or the neighborhood itself and are free. Of course, as the admission is free, they are usually very full, so we recommend that you attend early so that you can find a good place in the various ceremonies.
What is the most important day in Holy Week 2024?
Every day in Holy Week has a particularity, therefore no activity is equal to the other. However, the most popular days in Peru are Holy Thursday and Holy Friday. These days the Last Supper, the Via Crucis and the Crucifixion are celebrated. Therefore, these two days are decreed holidays.
What can I eat during Holy Week?
During Holy Week you can eat whatever you want, except on Holy Friday. On this particular day, most faithful fast or follow a fish-based diet. The flesh is not prohibited, but most do not consume it because a similarity is made with the flesh of Jesus.
What is the most important activity in Holy Week?
During Holy Week there are different free activities throughout Peru. Perhaps the most popular is the tour of the 7 churches, which occurs in all cities of Peru. It takes place on Holy Thursday night and consists of attending 7 different churches.
What days are holidays during Holy Week in Peru?
During Holy Week in Peru, the official holidays are Holy Thursday and Good Friday. These days are ideal to plan your trip and enjoy the festivities.
What are the activities that take place during Holy Week?
There are different activities, such as religious processions, liturgical celebrations and cultural events. Everything will depend on the city you visit.
Do transportation companies usually increase the frequency of buses during Holy Week?
During Holy Week, yes, they usually increase the number of bus departures. You can also check the availability of buses and seats on the redBus website. Don't forget to book your ticket!
Do you usually organize special tourist events to attract visitors during Easter Week?
Each region and city usually organizes different activities to celebrate Easter and celebrate it in their own way. For more information, you can visit the official redBus blog in Peru.