Holy Week is a very important date in the religious calendar and in Peru, where the majority of the people are Catholics, it is a large celebration. That is why during this week, different cities in Peru take days off and are dedicated to holding events on behalf of Jesus to remember his Passion.
This year, Holy Week will be celebrated from Sunday, April 2nd until Saturday, April 8th. A whole week full of events where chapters of the life of Jesus are remembered that ended in his crucifixion, where he sought to redeem mankind from sin.
Peru is one of the best countries to spend Holy Week due to all the representations and processions that take place in different cities. Therefore, if you want to spend a different Holy Week, dare and visit Peru.
Holy Week in Ayacucho
Celebrating Holy Week in Ayacucho is one of the best religious experiences you can find. In fact, it is one of the most popular destinations during these dates due to the beautiful celebrations.
Among its different ceremonies is Friday of Pain, the Friday before Palm Sunday, where all the people gather to accompany the Lord of Agony and the Sorrowful Virgin during their procession. Almost always the starting point is the church of La Magdalena and starts at 7 P.M, but if there is any change the municipality itself communicates it.
During Palm Sunday itself, the city follows the tradition of palms: many people walk the streets with their leaves in hand, waiting for Jesus. In fact, a small procession takes place in the center, with an image of Jesus being transported by a donkey.
The other main day is Holy Thursday. Here the tour to the churches takes place, where citizens go to different churches to listen to a part of their masses. On some occasions, a staging of the Last Supper is performed.
On Saturday of Glory, the churches ring their bells at 9 PM to let the population know that Jesus is already resurrected. The celebration will take place the next day, on Easter Sunday, where people dance and sing in his honor.
Holy Week in Lima
Lima is the capital of Peru and therefore has many activities that take place during Holy Week to publicize the faith of its people. Some documents record that the celebration began in 1544 and was called "Semana Mayor de Lima". Many of the activities during these days were brought here by the Spanish, and over time they have been adapted by the Lima people themselves.
For example, one of the events that attracts many faithful is the representation of the Via Crucis with the popular "Cristo Cholo" (A man who every year fulfills his task of representing Jesus in this activity). It is very popular because, on some occasions, the wrists have been pierced with nails, just as it happened with Jesus.
Another important tradition during Holy Week occurs on Holy Friday with the procession of the Lord of Miracles. First he goes to the Cathedral of Lima, where a three-hour mass is held, and then the image returns to Las Nazarenas.
Holy Week in Huaraz
Holy Week is one of the main Catholic festivities in Peru and Huaraz is no exception. Being the capital of Ancash, it is a city with great religious feeling and different traditions worthy of a great Catholic faith.
In Huaraz, Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday with the procession of the Lord of Palm, where the villagers raise their own palms as they sing this phrase: "Rejoice Jerusalem, there comes the savior, the Just!"
On Holy Thursday, in addition to the traditional mass, the first 12 people are washed with their feet, thus resembling the Last Supper. At night, Quechua songs are performed at an event called Waraki.
After Good Friday, the Plazuela de la Soledad is silent while everyone performs the duel. A manager brings "Judas," a normal-sized doll representing Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus. This doll is burned and then hanged.